At age 12 I began to feel increasing inner turmoil, agitation, anxiety and confusion. I just didn't like myself at all and constantly visualized how it would be wonderful to be someone else. It didn't get better, and I didn't know how to talk about it. I acted out very badly until I spent 120 days in a juvenile detention facility. There I came back to the Lord and started to seek the counsel of God, knowing my only hope was in Him. I actually improved while in there because of the structured life and daily exercise. I toughened up while I was in there and my self confidence increased. That confidence was short lived as the first signs of Narcolepsy began to show up. I went to a few of the supervisors in the facility about how my dreams were getting overly vivid and full of emotion, waking up exhausted every morning. The answers I received were idiotic at best so I kept it to myself. Narcolepsy is a malfunction of the sleep synapses in the brain triggering erratic and bizarre symptoms such as sleep paralysis where you wake up and can't move or auditory hallucinations that wake you up. Sometimes they are so loud I wake up in intense fear. It sounds like a wrecking ball hitting the house. Two years after onset, Cataplexy took hold; sudden loss of strength and muscle tone from a surprise emotion like anger or too much laughter and you just go limp, get a little confused followed by sleepiness. It all came crashing down in my second year of college. I just laid down and didn't get up for 3 weeks. My friends came in one by one and said, "Get up! Get up!", but I couldn't. From that point on a very destructive stronghold of dependency took hold of my life that I would fight for many years with very little money, and no support system.
I began attending a church in LA on Avenue 22 called Christian Assembly. Don Pickerill was teaching 'The Reign of Grace'. It was the most dynamic teaching its kind probably in the world. This seed was planted at this, my lowest point, and eventually would take root and grow bearing the fruit only true grace can bring, but I was still immature and pretty helpless. I then followed my parents to Oklahoma where we had ancestral roots.
In rural Northeast Oklahoma, if you played an instrument, you were instantly popular no matter how much of a shambles your life was in. I could drive for ten minutes in any direction and see trees, rivers, lakes and lots of wildlife. I loved it! The peace I felt when near the water or hiking a deer trail was like a piece of heaven and freedom I so longed for. I started attending the Grove Christian Center, which was only a year old at the time. They took a huge risk and started having me lead worship. I cut my worship leading teeth at this church. I'm forever grateful to Leon and Lynda Vernon for believing in me, knowing full well that I was not perfect. We saw God move often, and the place started to grow. I worked as a concrete finisher during the week and led worship whenever the doors were open. It was awesome! But, I was still tired and fatigued pretty much all the time. I learned to pretend that I felt good, and it worked some of the time. But if people spent much time around me, they could sense the deep struggle inside me. I met and married Junel Adams, now Junel Adams Morris. I was in love, and she was gorgeous! I believe in love, love that is born in the heart of God and binds two people together, hopefully for life, right? When she started seeing how much I struggled in my health, it was really hard for her. She couldn't understand why I didn't have energy to do normal social things. People would see how lively and animated my worship leading was and would assume I could do all these other things too, but I could not. I would just collapse from exhaustion. It was only the anointing in my life that would cause supernatural strength to empower me in my gift.
When our time of worship leading at GCC was drawing to a close, I began to fear that once again failure would define my life, and I may even lose my marriage. The problem was that worship leading was the only thing I was really good at, and I easily felt threatened when someone else came along that could do it. That was a very immature attitude, one that I would later change with great success! I felt the Lord leading me to step out against all odds and begin to travel and minister, and that's what we did. Six months in I thought, “What have I done, am I nuts?” Some would say “yes” to that! One night, on my way home from fishing, at about 3:00 a.m. I was driving down a country road when the song “The Lord thy God” poured into my heart straight from heaven and filled the cab of my truck. It came to earth as it was in heaven, fully orchestrated and accompanied by northern lights! (it was mid summer) The heavens were opened to me, and the Lord made it clear that he was indeed mighty in our midst, Zephaniah 3:17.
This must be said right now! God chooses the weak things of this world to confound the wise, not too many noble are called, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness. This is God's way! We started singing this song wherever we went, and recorded it at Troy Dean's studio in Wenatchee Washington. I learned some things from Troy that helped me to form musical thought for years to come. Within a year Hosanna Music acquired the song and it went worldwide. It is on our CD 'The Candle' along with Begone! (the devil song) that was recorded that same year. It was amazing! I thought that from that point, as a reward, I would feel better and even do better financially, but that's not what happened, not by a long shot!
Our work in San Francisco was the highlight of that period. Greg and Cyndi Romine were starting a church downtown and we were a part of the outreach ministry. My friend, JB, in Frisco, TX, equipped us for this. We did multiple outdoor concerts in Union Square and Embarcadero Center. The outreach to the gay community was a major part of this. The reactions we got were legion. We caught hell from the religious folks for preaching the love of Christ, and from elements of the gay community for daring to be there. I thought, “Surely this is the kind of trouble Jesus Himself would have caused. During this time there was a radical gay activist who gave his heart to the Lord. While giving his testimony he would say, “ The reason I got saved is because I met a Christian who showed me the love of God.” When he would speak, all we could do is weep. It's very hard to describe the courage it took for him to make a stand for Christ with his background. He later died from AIDS. This was a tragedy that affected all of us. During this time I also saw, with my own eyes, a man instantly healed of AIDS. It was like a bolt of lightning hit this man and he walked out totally healed.
Listen to what I say now! When in the trenches, on the ground, in the heat of a real battle as we were at this time, it is impossible to understand or make sense of everything that happens whether good or bad. People will stand on the outside and judge everything you do. All you can do is pray, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”, because they don't. What we must do is fight with the weapons we have been given, that are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, and driven entirely by the agape love of God. We must do the part we are sent to do and leave the rest to God. If you get nothing else out of this writing, let these truths take root in your heart and make them your own. In any missions endeavor we must allow the love of God to change our hearts by the Spirit.
The year that followed was one I wish I could go back and change, but there were so many, ouch! I've thought about this so often; how do you change something when you don't even know what the problem is? Looking back, the only answer I can find is that I did NOT commit myself to Proverbs 3: 5-6. I did NOT trust in the Lord with all my heart. I DID allow too many people with ulterior motives to have influence in my life to the point of doubting my own calling and music. I became angry and bitter and everyone around me suffered. This caused the N symptoms to go into overdrive. Some said it started after our work in SF, they were right.
In 1995, I developed severe panic disorder that lasted over 5 years. I wrote no songs during this time and became spiritually barren. Panic disorder is extremely terrifying, but is not caused by fear. It's the fight-flight response gone haywire, and you just think you are dying. Over half of diagnosed Narcoleptics develop panic disorder, not just panic attacks, but a long term chronic condition. Only 25% or less of people who have this disease ever get diagnosed. They spend all their money like the woman with the issue of blood in Jesus' time and get pushed into the mental health system. It's a horrible cycle and once in it, it's difficult to get free from the stigma and paper trail. When a medical professional reads it, they instantly believe what it says. Patients are then given medications for psychosis and depression and become zombies. No one knows how many unfortunate souls have suffered this.
When the process of healing was well under way, the Lord visited me and said that we would go to Pittsburg, Kansas to help Pastor Allan and Jeanice Parker, pastors of the Cornerstone Church there. It was a breath of fresh air and a feeling of hopefulness to once again be sent somewhere. The concept of being “sent” is a subject all its own, an article for later perhaps? The day we left Grove, I wrote the song 'Peace like a River' which is on our CD 'The Candle'. During that time, the Lord used us in worship leading and in leadership. We were in charge of the small groups ministry and it grew. Pastor Allan taught me the art of not taking one's self too seriously, no matter how we feel, and to make obedience to the call of God our top priority.
After this we moved to “The City” to help attend to Junel's aging parents. Inside my heart I realized I had grown weary of being on worship teams, even though, by that time, I knew my true calling was that of a worshiper and proclaimer of the things of God. I had started tuning pianos and was good at it. I thought, 'This is my ticket out! My own business, pretty good money, freedom, freedom, freedom!' I started drinking alcohol regularly. I really liked good, hearty German beer. It was fun at first. We were attending one of the many mega churches we have here, and no one knew us. We were invisible. Unrest grew and grew until one day I started drinking heavily. It just got ahold of my soul. One day I went fishing and drinking out of town. Alcohol obviously destroys common sense and self-restraint. I don't remember the drive home, but I do remember waking up on the floor in the bedroom. Junel thought I'd had a stroke. It's a miracle no one was killed. I don't have to tell you, Junel was really disappointed in me, and so was I. I knew something had to be done. You see, with the calling I have on my life, if I'm not allowing God to use me in my gift, I become very thirsty for the things of God, the water of the Spirit, the New Wine. I become an easy target for satan to move in and try to destroy the destiny of my calling.
The Lord dealt with me to tell my new friend, Smitty, about the extent of my problem. We must humble ourselves when we have issues like these. He immediately became my accountability partner and is to this day. With him it goes both ways. I do not trust those who inquire about your personal life while keeping theirs hidden, you shouldn't either. Smitty is trustworthy. He convinced me to get involved with the Celebrate Recovery ministry to get help. For many months he would call and point blank ask me if I had been drinking. It did not offend me, that was his commitment, that's what a real friend does. I don't even think he believed me at first. After visiting several CR groups, I walked down that isle at Council Road Baptist Church and received my first ever blue chip. I have not had a drink of alcohol since. I don't even desire it. Alcohol was just a symptom of other issues that needed to be resolved. I do not judge those who 'have a few beers' or a whiskey from time to time, but I can't and won't do it. The Christ-Centered 12 step program is uniquely designed to help us work through complex issues in a common sense, Christ-like manner. If you have issues in your life that need real help, find a CR that works for you, ask the Lord's guidance, swallow your pride, humble yourself and let someone else help you. It will bring true freedom to your life and open doors that you never dreamed possible. In our CR there are people from all walks of life recovering from divorce, control issues, addictions, gamblers, sexual abuse, porn addiction, the list goes on and on. This blue chip is my most precious possession, and I cherish it. It is the reason Junel and I are starting this new era of ministry in this new era of history.
When I draw near to God the same thing happens every time. It causes that same fire I felt at age 8 to rise up inside and I begin leading worship and writing songs. People began telling me that I should record, make a CD. I said, "NO WAY!" Too much money, too much work, very little reward. One day I got some of my old recordings out and started listening. Within 10 minutes I was on my face before God repenting for cursing my own calling and music. He made it very clear to me what my calling was. I tried to make a deal with God that if I did this, PLEASE help it not to be anything like it was before. Making deals with the Creator of the Universe just doesn't work very well, does it? The first year was miraculous in many ways, and we grew and grew in developing our tools of ministry. But in August, 2013 a succession of hardships and obstacles began with relentless vengeful assaults. It was like an alarm was going off inside me, and I couldn't identify the source, and it got louder and louder. It seemed like I was the only one hearing it so I questioned my own judgement. Now not only was it like before, it was 20 times worse. I began cancelling my worship leading commitments because I did not even have the time to process the ferocity of the adversity and hear from the Lord. The month of January, 2014, was one of the worst, most stressful months of my life. I felt like Job. Finally, in February, I said, “ENOUGH!” We all agreed that I should stop what we were doing, go to the river and spend time alone with God.
Going to the river to fish and rest my mind was so comforting. But, as I was preparing for the trip, a wind storm came up. Suddenly, a huge power surge hit the neighborhood. It's a miracle there wasn't a fire. It blew out the heater and a number of other appliances, electronics and light fixtures. All three grandsons (the twins, one month old, hooked up to heart monitors!), our daughter, Allison, and Junel were home at the time. As Junel explained to me what had happened, anger and indignation rose up from deep inside me. Some people think I'm easy going, but nothing could be further from the truth, especially when things precious to me are threatened. I've just had to control my emotions so that Cataplexy wouldn't trigger. But satan had overplayed his hand this time. I thought I might need to postpone my trip, but Junel insisted I go to prayer as planned. She understood what was happening and what was at stake. It was a time in the Lord like no other. Even before I got there, the Spirit of the Lord came on me heavily with great joy, reaffirming what I was to do and giving me new directions on how to proceed.
When I draw near to God the same thing happens every time. It causes that same fire I felt at age 8 to rise up inside and I begin leading worship and writing songs. People began telling me that I should record, make a CD. I said, "NO WAY!" Too much money, too much work, very little reward. One day I got some of my old recordings out and started listening. Within 10 minutes I was on my face before God repenting for cursing my own calling and music. He made it very clear to me what my calling was. I tried to make a deal with God that if I did this, PLEASE help it not to be anything like it was before. Making deals with the Creator of the Universe just doesn't work very well, does it? The first year was miraculous in many ways, and we grew and grew in developing our tools of ministry. But in August, 2013 a succession of hardships and obstacles began with relentless vengeful assaults. It was like an alarm was going off inside me, and I couldn't identify the source, and it got louder and louder. It seemed like I was the only one hearing it so I questioned my own judgement. Now not only was it like before, it was 20 times worse. I began cancelling my worship leading commitments because I did not even have the time to process the ferocity of the adversity and hear from the Lord. The month of January, 2014, was one of the worst, most stressful months of my life. I felt like Job. Finally, in February, I said, “ENOUGH!” We all agreed that I should stop what we were doing, go to the river and spend time alone with God.
You see, for me, these are not just songs, this is my life's work, my life's calling. They are my worship to God, my tools of ministry. David, the greatest worshiper of all time, knew instinctively that in whatever stage of life he was, it was the right time to worship God, especially in times of adversity, hardship or failure. These are the most important times to worship God. I have learned to rely on these words of David, “I pour myself out as a drink offering to the Lord”. I let go of everything that troubles me long enough for the Lord to do what He alone has made us to do.
We must listen to God, write, record and produce our own music. The things we are preparing for right now will be a full time job for us. You can imagine what that means, even further steps of faith as led by the Spirit. We will let the fruit of what we do speak for itself as we enjoy this part of the journey. We now have a great sleep specialist who is treating me with meds that inhibit Cataplexy making it easier for me to do social things. I still have many N symptoms though.
So what have I learned and what can you learn from it? Does being open about these things help promote what we do among Christian leaders? Are you going to be able to build a dynamic ministry based on things of this nature? In fact, just the opposite is true to the most part, but, you yourself will begin a new life of peace and confidence. Real people will identify with your struggles. Many religious leaders say that once you are free from something it should never be mentioned again. Nonsense! Being able to be open about it gives us a huge advantage over these struggles. Yes, there are people who 'game the system' but they are exposed as frauds eventually. I wouldn't want you to think that a transparent lifestyle will give you favor in the Christian ministry world. I suspect some think I still struggle with alcohol or other unacceptable behavior. Me, my wife and the Lord know the truth, and the anointing of the Spirit has never been stronger. That's all I concern myself with. I know that He will lead me to leaders I can really work with, trust and serve. I know I can't fit everywhere. My dear friend, listen to me! God uses the broken to heal the broken hearted, to bring healing salve to the wounded, to point the way to the true Savior. We can save no one, but we know the One who does. Trust only in Him, and lead the way for others. Lead by example, that's an order soldier!
My story of recovery has not yet been fully told. I will continue to Celebrate Recovery for the rest of my life. When personal issues crop up in my life, casting a shadow on the light of Christ, I now have effective tools to resolve them. Narcolepsy is not an excuse for bad behavior; His grace is sufficient and powerful. The Lord can use the willing even with a handicap. Now as you enjoy the music, see us in live ministry, or watch one of our videos, you know what is behind it all, a real, true, wonderful lifelong miracle.