In any endeavor ever pursued under heaven, any idea that ever bore fruit, there is underneath it all an unseen cost that had to be paid by someone. We may only see a small portion of it, like observing an iceberg in the ocean, the portion that is not seen is enormous, breathtaking. So why would I take the time to write an article with this theme? What purpose will it fulfill?
The story of Wiley Post, the Oklahoma aviator, is most inspiring to me. His process of making aviation history in the face of adversity, misfortune, and personal struggle makes him a true American hero. I'm reminded of him every day because we live right next to an airport named after him.
He encouraged Amelia Earhart to pursue her dream also. In spite of losing his eye on the first day of his first job, he pursued his dream of flight and became a great success.
So what is The True Cost to Follow the Call and Be a Leader? I must know deep inside why I am pursuing something. In fact, the “why” is more important than the “what” because the “why” will direct the decisions we make and help us in selecting the right people to be involved in our ministry. The mind set of the people who help us is more important than anything they can do for us. We must establish common sense boundaries in order to stay true to the calling. Failure to do so will yield an endless cycle of smallness and mediocrity unfitting for the Kingdom Of God. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to just say “yes” to everyone who asks us to do something, or offers to do something for us? It's just not practical. We must choose wisely in every aspect and not hesitate to confront and change any aspect that doesn't directly advance the call, or that we don't feel a peace about. I know it's hard. Oh, that I could go back and just listen to that still, small voice telling me what was right and simply obey it. (I Kings 19:12) However, we must forgive ourselves for our negligence, put it behind us, and move on. Then, when that wonderful “yes” rises up from deep inside by the Spirit, working together in the Spirit of Christ bears joyful fruit. The True Cost of Leadership is to be able to make the hard decisions at the right times in the face of intimidation, adversity and hardship, being responsible for our own actions, blaming no one. Failing to do so yields barrenness, which we blame on everyone else.
A couple months after getting back into worship leading the Lord said just one sentence; yes just ONE. 'you can't take anyone with you this time.' Fairly straightforward right? I knew immediately what it meant but trying to explain this is almost impossible because the Lord said this directly to me. I understood that I would not be on a worship team or a part of any band or be linked with anyone like before but totally on my own as far as my music and ministry goes. So what do you think happened? It was a constant drum beat of people trying to get me to join a band or be in my band and I don't even have a band. Its like a prevailing mentality out there. We will always work with people of course, we just won't 'take anyone with us.' When I tell this to people their eyes just glaze over. Its as if I said nothing or it doesn't apply to them. There's always this undertone of trying to pair me up with someone or some entity. Every time without exception that I bent this new rule; it was a disaster because God wasn't in it. Someday I will write these stories down but change the names to protect the guilty (HA!). My purpose has now changed, my fundamental function has changed. I'm like a preacher who uses music and worship instead of preaching although if you know me I do get a little preachy more and more, its in my bones.
The point is this; When the Lord tells you to do something specific you WILL be tested, a lot! Relentlessly. I've had people get really mad at me for not doing what they wanted, literally mad like I was doing some evil thing. So when I say get the picture.
Some people are waiting for their “ship to come in”, but our ship needs to be going out! We lead by example. When we ourselves are considering sowing into a ministry, we first go to the Lord for guidance. We ask ourselves, is this ministry going to produce fruit? Is it the kind of fruit we can believe in? Then we decide on the amount and consider it an investment, not with emotion, but with deliberation. There are lots of ways to give and be blessed. The Lord gives direction to those who ask, and a return is forthcoming according to scripture. It works. So what has been The True Financial Cost for us.
Without His anointing we have nothing. If the anointing stops, so will we. It really is a great treasure, the pearl of great price. But we do not possess it. It cannot be possessed, although many try. It cannot be owned, even by proxy. It cannot be faked or manipulated, although many try. Parlor tricks disguised as spiritual gifts just don't pass the smell test. Anointing and personal charisma are two totally different things. If you do have His anointing in your life, you did absolutely nothing to deserve it, it cannot be earned. It has been put there by God alone for His own purpose in order to reveal Himself to people through your gift. It opens the eyes of the blind, sets at liberty them that are bruised and heals the broken hearted. Things that increase it are spending quality time walking and talking with God, meditating on His Word and serving people in the agape love that comes from God alone. It's pointless and immature to be envious of someone else's anointing. Have you ever seen anyone increase in the things of God through envy or jealousy? Ok, then stop it. Don't mimic or follow someone else's calling, be confident in your uniqueness.
In the book of Acts, Stephen was just a servant of the people, nothing more, but the anointing on his preaching was extraordinarily powerful. If you have read the whole story, that's what ended up getting him killed. In his case, his death was literally glorious. The True Cost of the Anointing is the Cross of Christ, His burial and resurrection, and the pouring out of His Spirit upon us. He paid for it man! A few moments in His anointing can accomplish more in a person's life than a lifetime of seminars. For me, I always put into practice the words of David, the worlds greatest worshiper, who said, “I pour myself out as a drink offering”. This gets us out of the way so that His anointing can do its work. Let's commit ourselves to allow the anointing of God to perform the miracle it is meant to do. There is just no adequate substitute, and the people hunger and thirst for it. Without His anointing we have nothing. If the anointing stops, so will we. It really is a great treasure, the pearl of great price. But we do not possess it. It cannot be possessed, although many try. It cannot be owned, even by proxy. It cannot be faked or manipulated, although many try. Parlor tricks disguised as spiritual gifts just don't pass the smell test. Anointing and personal charisma are two totally different things. If you do have His anointing in your life, you did absolutely nothing to deserve it, it cannot be earned. It has been put there by God alone for His own purpose in order to reveal Himself to people through your gift. It opens the eyes of the blind, sets at liberty them that are bruised and heals the broken hearted. Things that increase it are spending quality time walking and talking with God, meditating on His Word and serving people in the agape love that comes from God alone. It's pointless and immature to be envious of someone else's anointing. Have you ever seen anyone increase in the things of God through envy or jealousy? Ok, then stop it. Don't mimic or follow someone else's calling, be confident in your uniqueness.
We have only touched the surface of The True Cost of this music. it worth it? If any of our CDs videos, articles or live ministry bring the reality and power of our true Savior into a person's life, you bet it is! Let's take time right now for giving thanks that The True Cost of our liberty in Christ was paid in full by His perfect, complete and living work.